pics of your 10 gallons


I am kinda embarrassed to post mine since it just started. Any tips would be appreciated. For those of you who have read my "rookie Mistake" thread you know that the frogspawn is no longer in there.


It took about two weeks for everything to get back to normal. I was surprised that it made that much difference. I'll start a thread in a week or so about the conversion. It resulted in an outbreak of hair algea that is now going away.


Active Member

Originally posted by MarVida
It took about two weeks for everything to get back to normal. I was surprised that it made that much difference. I'll start a thread in a week or so about the conversion. It resulted in an outbreak of hair algea that is now going away.

WOW!! Yeah that would be cool.... Still looking sweet!


Active Member

Originally posted by Craig_08
I am kinda embarrassed to post mine since it just started. Any tips would be appreciated. For those of you who have read my "rookie Mistake" thread you know that the frogspawn is no longer in there.

Hey it is looking good - your ricordea look fat and happy.
2 suggestions:
1. More water flow along your sand/CC bed to get rid of the cyano algea
2. A solid background - will help you rocks and corals stand out more!!