Pics of your dog, cat, bird, etc.


Post pics of your house pets (not fish)!
This is my dog Katie! ( :cheer: Greatest dog in the world :cheer: )...and yes that is how she sits normaly.



This is my St. Bernard, Harley, and my English Mastiff, Jo-Jo... I'll post pics of the cats later.



Active Member
here are my turtles i have other pets too but no pictures of them ill try to get them soon
heres piinky

here twiinky trying to be superman or should i say super turtle

there one is really cool. it was before when i had all my turtles.

yea well now i have only piinky and twiinky. one i sold to my exile cause he wanted one and the other died from sickness.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Reefnut,, i had a cockatoo until afew yrs ago, they are so much fun, miss my girl alot.
Yeah they are pretty cool... like a little person walking around and hanging out on the couch watching TV
we also have two cats but they do not bother him any more.


Active Member
LOL reefnut, mine use to strut up to our cat or dog mumbling something and as soon as they saw her coming they would scatter! Guess she showed them who was boss early on!


tennis your boxer is beautiful, boe sits the same way too its hilarious. my folks have one with similar markings and is as big as a house. unlike our boe who is half the size what boe lacks in size he makes up in personality. boxers are great dogs.