Pics of your dog, cat, bird, etc.


Active Member
heres one of my cat mocha shes like 14 now... i also have a snake and a desert tortise that live in the back yard...


Active Member
Here is my (girlfriend's) dog...rat, I mean dog.
Recovering from a broken leg at this time and doing well. After 2 surgeries on the leg, the damn rat costs almost as much as my fish tank!!!!! That got me an upgrade!!!!


Active Member
04mach how is the bulldog, is it true that their favorite thing to do is sit on the couch and watch TV? lol I've always wanted one.


Active Member
Awwwwww!! Cute little Tito!! Yay, another piggie on the board :happy:
Did you manage to litter train him? My girls are impossible. they go in the litterbox...and everywhere else as well. ::sigh::
Oh well. Just have to follow them around with the vacuum cleaner. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


This is a TOTAL repost,
(as seen here)
But I'll play again anyway.
BTW philgmiami, did you actually get your Rott from Germany? If so, that's cool, but if not, ...all Rotts are German...(it's a german breed) :happy:
1st pic: Cinder Block
2nd pic: Lucius (Cinder's son from her 1st litter)
Both are American Pit Bull Terriers
3rd pic: Portia, a Chihuahua



Active Member
Thanks alot Mimzy. No he's not litter trained. Never really tried to. He just goes where ever he wants. LOL


Active Member
Here's a pic of our golden retriever and sheltie/American eskimo cross. We also have a cat, a cockatiel, and love to go ride my friend's spanish mustangs as often as possible. Will post pics of them later.


sinner's girl

This is TWO (the weird one). My 10 year old cat, she was born right before I started high school. Very spoiled. When I left for college she become more so...shortly after Easter a sample of kitty treats come in the paper, now she MUST have them. 6 of them, whole, no crumbs. She's now FAT! She gets a can of food, shredded, nine lives only in the evening, if my parents are late getting home, TWO will b*&^h at them. She loves celery, whenever my dad has some out she'll rub on it, we give her a piece of the leaf, and she carries it around, lays on it, and gaurds it.



Everyone has such cute pics of their "other" pets!! :cheer:
This is our dog, he's 8 years old and he's a chow/shepard mix....oh, my son has two rats but I don't have any pics of them....