pics of your favorite coral!


Active Member
Originally Posted by joksta
is that a type of xenia
from my experience. . . that is an extreamly rare soft coral (i dont know if there is relations to xenia) and that Viper paid +$100 for it. I love the rare stuff.
cool travis


Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
wooooooooow!!!!!!!! Thats very nice where did you get that

from the guy I do side work for at cost. heres the best part it is about 7"x7" and was only $19


Active Member
Originally Posted by RUBBERDUCK
from my experience. . . that is an extreamly rare soft coral (i dont know if there is relations to xenia) and that Viper paid +$100 for it.
That's correct. It is in the family Xeniidae, but not the same genera.
zoie2, did you get that green polyp toad from Donovan? I recognize the black stones underneath because I got one too. Mine's not nearly as big though!


Active Member
ok cool viper, just thought i would stab a guess from the old nogin
cool hows it doing. i guess you fraging those would be quit rewarding. cool i hear they are very rare, so good find even if it is expensive.



Active Member
So far there's a bit of noticable growth since the pics, but unfortunately it won't grow like weeds like some xenia.
I actually bought it as an aquacultured specimine from my buddies at the LFS. They grow these right in the shop and probably have at least a dozen or two just in their main display tank, and almost another dozen in the "for sale" tank. All the frags were grown from a 1/4" stub. A lot of people around this area have it now, and I know a handful were shipped out to other parts of the US. The Cespitularia will probably become quite saturated in Cali soon enough.


Originally Posted by nanocube24
That is an awesome looking hammer!!!!

i havent seen one like that before that is pretty sweet


Hey Jakebtc I got that last frag of acan echinata from him. He gave me what he had left inch and a half by 3 inch piece and I love it! The green is just now showing on the growth edges.