Pics of your tanks


Active Member
Thank you. Yes,it is a torch..but both the frogspawn and torch outgrew the tank and are now in my 65.I need an update shot.


Active Member
The way I do it is pull them out and quickly find the weakest spot and snap them like a wishbone.It should snap easily.If you have a tough spot that you really want to frag,I would recommend using a dremel. I would also recommend that you wear gloves..and use your gloved hand to encourage the tentacles to retract before you remove it. They cannot support their tentacles out of water very well. It probably would'nt hurt to wear protective glasses either, their toxin is pretty powerful.{to me it is anyway}You could bring it to the surface in the tank to look at,get an idea where you will frag it...and then take it out..if a couple tentacles get damaged it should'nt hurt it..they are pretty resilient.


sounds good thanks for the tips. yea, he is getting out of control right now and im worried that he'll start stinging other corals.