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Active Member
How long has your tank been up and running? It looks great but I'm concerned you may have some problems later since a 75 is way too small for a blue face angel never mind the puffer.


Active Member
SOrry but You need to de-populate or get a bigger tank quick. Your blue face needs at least a 125g. Even with a 125g you would be over stocked w/ current population. I think I saw in previous post that you had a sweetlips, puffer, bluface, foxface, parrot fish and more. Hopefully I'm wrong and you actually have 2-75g's which would still not be enough because of the adult size of these fish. They all need larger tanks.Way too much for a 75g and too much for 125 also.
Sorry for the bad news.


I've had this population for a little over two years, and my fish are very healthy. My water parameters are always perfect. I have lots of filtration, which I think has been the key to my success with these fish. But I do recognize my need for a larger tank as these fish grow. Right now I have no problems though.


Active Member
So it is one 75! Wow!
I wish you only success but must tell you that you are headed for disaster. Please heed the warning and either de-populate of get a bigger tank quickly. I'm sure you've done some reading and are aware of the adult size for all your fish. It doesn't matter which guideline you use 1in. per 5 g's or 1/2, you are way over.
I only want good things for you and your fish so please take action now before it's too late.
Thanks and good luck.