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the tank looks good !
is that a blue linka starfish ?
how long have you had him ? is
he doing well, he looked good.
i want one but i want to let my
tank mature more.. :)

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice...thanks for the peek. I got a question for you the heck did you get a pic of my manderian"jimi" in your tank.....I wonder if he skips out at night after I go to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!Either that or you got "Jimi's" twin!!!! :cool:


The tank has been up and running for several years. I purchased it on ---- around 4 months ago, from a guy who lived 20 miles away or so. Moving it was quite a job, but the end result was worth it. The blue starfish, recently died, I really don't know why, he just kind of disintegrated if you can believe that. Everything else seems to be fine. I battled a case of ick a few weeks back, but everyone seems fine now. the Mandarin is one of the coolest fish you can find, if you have an estalished reef, I highly reccommend you getting one. They are really fun to watch.
Hey NM reef, where do you live in NM? I pretty much grew up in the Cedar Crest/Albuquerque area but I moved to Dallas about 6 years ago.


Active Member
Very nice !!!
With all the nice pics on this board lately my eyes are going to pop out. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />