pics pics pics how to post them


Active Member
I think you have to post from a website. Don't know why but I believe that is the case. You can get a free online photo album from yahoo that you just upload to.


Active Member
I think I got them to show up... at least I tracked down some picture. It's a purple thing... some kind of an invert (jellyfish maybe?) on a dark background. Looks like there might be 3 tanks in the backround? Sound familiar?
Anyways, I looked at your code and I see you are referencing a yahoo server. Last I knew, they didn't allow off-site references. I think that is your problem, not anything you're doing.
Anyone else know about yahoo?


jack you are right those are yellyfish, i took pictures at the shedd aquarium today. if any one has any better ideas on how i can post pics here for everyone to see let me know. i tried a couple of different tink and seem to fail.