Pics With New Canon Rebel XT


My tangs get along great, and always have. I have 6 tangs total: sohal, sailfin, blue regal, yellow, purple, and a blonde naso. Size of your tank is definitely gonna matter, the order you add them, and the size variations of the different tangs. Good luck with your project.


I'm no expert but I would do the RS sailfin first at about 4"-5", and do the powders at the same time so there is no dominance or territory established. In a 180 those fish should do great. Make sure you keep the water quality pristine with little fluctuations, the powders depend on great water quality, along with highly oxegenated water. Just my .02 good luck.

ledzep fan

Active Member
How does your Sohal act around the other fish? I heard that the are very aggressive to their tankmates. I really want to get one , but everyone said that I have to small of a tank. What do you think on the matter? It's a 125 with a Koran Angel, Yellow Tang, Pinstripe wrasse, porcupine puffer and a snowflake eel.
Not trying to hijack your thread just need some feedback.
LedZep fan


Led Zep, to be honest with you I don't even think my sohal knows I have a yellow tang in the tank. He doesn't mess with anybody in my tank. I added him small though, to give myself the best possible chance for success. Sohal's are supposed to have at least a 180, that is what the book says. My only concern is that you don't have a lot of fish. I think he will move up the chain of command quite fast in your tank, being as he doesn't have to surpass many fish to get to the top. My sohal was the 5th tang added out of the 6, so I think they made sure he knew his place. I have had great luck mixing tangs, and non-reef safe fish with corals. Ultimately tangs need 6 feet or more of length on a tank, and you have that, I think you will be just fine adding a sohal, just make sure you get him small.