
Active Member
Just some more pics for those interested.
Red brain coral feeding tonight - puffed up larger than ever before.
Couple few more pics of refugium/caulerpa.
See ya
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice pics broomer!!
I'd be very interested in a bag full of the bubble caulpera you have.Looks like a healthy refugium...mine has been a great addition and looks a bit like yours. :cool:


Active Member
Thanks guys !
Yeah I know - that was wild.
Tank lights were off - and I checked in to see what was doing - and I was amazed at the inflated brain.
Normally it "puffs" up, but never to that extent.
I feed the red brain once a week.
I alternate feedings with thawed out frozen squid, silversides, mysis shrimp and prime reef.
This brain is the one that also ate ( yep ate ) two entire hermit crabs - shell and all.
They each fell in the coral off of a rock shelf in my other tank, and on both occassions by the time I saw what happened, twas too late.
I looked for remains - but never did solve this mystery.
Not saying to start feeding brain corals with hermitcrabs/shells - but who knows. It did not seem to hurt it.
NM reef
I'll type to you later if you want some caulerpa.
I'll be harvesting quite a bit of it next weekend, and can FedEx you some if you want.
We can work out the details later.


Active Member
Broomer: That brain pic was too cool. I'll have to start checking mine out more after lights out to see if I'm missing anything.

nm reef

Active Member
Baron.....I ain't "the Broomer"...but I do feed several brains in my system with basically the same foods Broomer mentioned. Several of my LPS corals get direct fed at least once a week(brains/hammer/bubble/polyps/furry 'shrooms etc.)...what I do is thaw that nights menu in a bit of zoe and DT's....after it softens I add some tank water and mix real good. Then I turn off the circulation in the reef and use a turkey baster to direct feed the guys. After 15-20 minutes I turn the circulation back on...normally I feed them within a few hours of lights out.
Broomer...thanks for the offer on the caulpera...I have a ton of feather & razor...but I've never located any of the grape...yours looks extremely good. Let me know........*_^


What amazing color on that brain...It must be even more spectacular up close....Very handsome, How long have you had it in the tank??And what size was it when you got it??
Thanks and Beautiful Brain Man.... :)
~Susie ;)


Active Member
NM reef and I must be on the same wavelength or feeding schedule.
We seem to feed our brain corals about the same.
Thaw, add Zoe on occassion, mix with tankwater, and squirt the food on the coral with the circulation off. Sometimes I just take a half frozen chunck of food that the fish start to pick at - and just reach in and place it on the coral or anemone, for that personal hand fed effect LOL <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
After the coral consumes the food, or at least gets it halfway down it's gullet - I turn the pumps back on.
I had two almost identical red brain corals in my other tanks. One fell off the rockwork, got it's tissue torn, infection set in, and I had to remove it. Was sad - it was larger of the two.
This surviving one I've had for about 1-1/2 years I guess.
It has grown some - not quite as much as I would like - but I think my lighting is not quite up to par ( pun intended ).
Thanks for asking :)
This coral is very nice - I would like to get more of them someday. Some mornings it is so shrunk up you'd think it was dead. Most times it's blown up pretty good. Couple nights ago it was so inflated I just had to get a pic of it that way.
I love this hobby.


What do you use for lights on your refugium...My razor calerpa was doing well and now it seems to be losing it's brightness and slowly depleting..I have just used a lights of america 150watt regular socket pc twist bulb..Like the ones you replace your normal bulbs with..Was about 10 bucks..Seemed to work for about the last 4 months or so..I run the lights 24/7