Picture Mania!!!


New Member
EelfreakRobi, how big is that tank. There is awhole lot of tang in that pic. lol Seriously though is that not a large load of fish. The water quality must be good though because I did see some corals in the pic. If that is indeed a small tank what are they using to filtrate the water? I see a DSB but not much live rock. What type of skimmer are they using etc. Thanks


Staff member
broomer, looks like your tankmates are really soaking up and liking those new lights.


Active Member
:D yeah Beth ~ the corals are diggin it !
The cleaner shrimp is rubbing down the fish with Coppertone, which are now wearing Ray Bans.
I'm loving it ~ as is Toledo Edison Electric :eek:
its not really my tank is from some people i know they have a 125 gallon and have some live rock also they are using a wet/dry filter with a built in skimmer inside.