picture of the THING


ok here it goes first picture post. What in the world is this thing, it doesnt move much if at all that i have seen. When the lights are out in seems to kinda deflate or look dehydrated. its in a hole in the LR. any help here.


New Member
I dont really know much, but i had one pop out of my sand a few weeks ago, i posted it, and they said it looked like a button polyp ... here is a pic of mine..


Active Member
yupo polyps it is. does not look very happy but i'm sure that due to the new tank and shipping and such. over time if in the right conditions you will end up with a bunch of em on that rock


Active Member
yes your pictures. to me it loks like a bleached out very unhappy polyp. but since its open it still has a chance and may pull out if the conditions are right