

this is an old pic of my tank, postin it to c if i can finaly get the hang of posting pics. this is about a month ago, bout 12 pounds of lr ago too


sorry,the quality sux and its huge, i know, but im not very good at this picture thing so bear with me


cmon, give sum opinions and stuff, i dont mind if u critisize it, coralcollectors got the rite idea!


SHow us the latest picture of the tank. How does it look now that you added more LR. What type of lighting do you have? Based on what I see here it's heading in the right direction. Good luck and enjoy!


the pic with the 2 anemones is the newest one but its only the left side of the tank, so its hard to get teh idea of wat it looks like, i do agree that i deffinity need more rocks but i dont have enough money to order it in large quantities, so i just buy a few pounds every visit or so to the lfs. ill try and get a full pic, but all my full tank pics r too big, and i always ruin them when i try to cut them down, my lites....a jalli pc, 4 50/50 bulbs
i have a condi, a purple lta, green ricordias, red shrooms, very small torch coral, and sum mushroom that i found on a rock that i bouhgt at my lfs for only 4 buks. dont know wat it is, its deep purple and it has bumby things all over it, but not quite like ricordia tentacles.


LOL at coralcollector.Dave your tank is lookin good.Lets see some more pics.Does your firefish stay out in the open alot.Mine hides all the time until feeding time,eats then BAM gone again.:D .Chris


no i havent found a host, probly never will, i got the condi for deco, not for the clowns, and i got the LTA in hopes of them going in it, two went in it, barely tho, and never did again. since they r false percs, i dont expect to find a host for them cuz usually they like carpets, and im deffinitly no getting one
CMPowell....yes my firefish hangs around usually, doesnt com out till afternoon usually, just sits in its hole till then, but when it comes out it usually stays till nite. sumtimes during feeding, when the hawk darts to catch food it scares firefish and it zips into its hole