Pictures 15 gallon eclipse


Well I finally got some pictures up.It might not be as colorful as some of the other tanks I've seen here.It's been running since December.<a href="" target="_blank">My pics</a>


Looks really nice. What kind of lighting are you using? I saw that you have a few shrooms and polyps. How are they doing? I was thinking of seting up a system like that myself.


Stacy the lights were retrofitted with 36 watt pc smartlite.The polyps have multiplied and so have the mushrooms.I have had problems getting nitrates lower than 30 ppm.I just added the ls yesterday to see if I could lower my trates before adding any other type of coral.I enjoy this tank more than I did my 55.@ I'm sure you will be able to have a small tank soon.I will eventually add a 10 gallon refugium underneath.I still have the bio wheel and I am still debating whether to remove it or not. :) :D :) :D :)


Thanks , I plan on a Bubble Coral,a leather,and maybe an elegant i'm not sure about the last one yet I'm not sure if the 36 watt pc will be enough light I have to research it some more.