Pictures of Aiptasia Anemone anyone?


Hi everyone,
Just got back from being away from the tank for a month. So I get looking around and I noticed some sort of anemone. I read that it may be not so good to have. I am 90% sure it is a aiptasia. If you have a photo of one could you post it. I have a camera, but it is in my luggage and have not dug it out yet. If no one has a photo, I will take one and post it in a little while.
Thanks everyone,


do a search on aptasia on this site. you will find lots of info. I used a copperband butterfly to get rid of my problem.


I used the Kalkwasser method last night to get rid of three. It works very well. You mix a concentrated paste of kalkwasser. You make it thick enough that it will form a ball on the aptasia, but thin enough you can put it in a syringe. Once mixed, put some in the syringe. Turn all your pumps off. Put a small blob of the mixture in the mouth/tentacle area of the aptasia. It will close around it. End of aptasia.
If you have a tank full, it probably would not be a good idea to try doing them all at once as this could negatively affect PH.


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Lysmata Wurdemanni (peppermint shrimp)
Although the name Peppermint Shrimp is by far the most common name in the hobby for L. wurdemanni, you may see this shrimp called the Caribbean Cleaner Shrimp or the Candy Cane shrimp. L. wurdemanni is a crustacean belonging to the class Crustacea. It is also a cleaner shrimp, although it tends to spend more time scavenging in the aquarium rather than cleaning its tankmates. L. wurdemanni is an attractive, striped (sometimes called veined) shrimp seldom exceeding two inches in length. The body color can range from red to orange-yellow to opaque with longitudinal dark red stripes. Although frequently called a Caribbean Cleaner Shrimp, L. wurdemanni is found in the Atlantic as far north as New Jersey.