pictures of hope


Wait a minute, are you saying that you placed a bleached dead coral and now, months later you are showing us a picture of the same coral???? I have 2 dead bleach corals very similar to yours in a bucket in my just gave me a good idea :)
well not quite like that... if you noticed on the first bleached pic ther is still trace amounts of color (purplesih) left and it is just extremely stressed and bleached.... the second shot shows all the dead area's and the few remaining live area's the last is of what is currently alive and growing well


Thats amazing. From the picture you can hardly see the purple tips. How much did you pay for that coral? I would think it was at a reduced price. Maybe i have to start giving second thoughts to some of the crappy sps frags and colonies that i've been seeing.
I paid $5 for the bleached one.... I paid $50 for the brown in the upper corner which died relatively quickly.... I have gotten several bleached corals and some made it some dont... if you can get them for a song.... they are worth the chance....