Pictures of my Cockatiel!


Active Member
I had a pearl cockatiel. Fasinating bird. She loved my dad. her name was sunny. She used to cuddle up under my chin and hum.
Yours is beautiful. Get it some cuddle bone, and millet seed. Mine loved those. And cheerios lol.
Does it have a name??


Active Member
Pretty bird! It's looking right at the camera like it knows what you are doing.
I went to a new customers house this morning to look at some handyman jobs, and while talking to the customer, her daughter walked downstairs with a cockateil on her head, just as calm and relaxed as can be. I got a real kick out of it.
Enjoy the new bird! What does that cute pup of yours thnink about the bird?

coral keeper

Active Member
What pup? The pup in my avatar? If so, I havent showed him yet because I'm afraid he might kill the bird. LOL Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I got him for free(the bird).


Active Member
My bird used to fly to peoples head and then crawl down to sit on your shoulder. What a welcoming. It was great b/c it scared the crap out of people. LOL
My dog used to bark when she whistled a certain way. It was the whistle that someone was coming home. She could tell when one of my family members were turning onto our street. It was crazy


Active Member
Very cute! It's nice that he's hand tame allready. Are you going to clip his wings?


Active Member
I know, it's just for safety reasons that I do it. (They can smack into a window hard enough to do some real damage or fly out one if it's open) Depends on the bird. :)


Active Member
I would clip its wings. My bird could still glide. I stopped clipping them and she flew into the ceiling fan. She was ok.
Just my opinion


Active Member
For those of you that don't clip your bird's wings: I would like to not get mine clipped, but how on earth do you get them to go back in their cage?


Active Member
I had friend in Florida who had signs posted in his house 'cause his birds would often be walking on the floor due to their clipped wings. Guests who didn't understand birds had to know that his little cockateil might be walking around and we had to be extra extra careful when visiting him!
Coral Keeper, has your pup seen the bird yet? He already knows it's in the house I'm sure! My dog is a very sweet and friendly girl, but I am not sure I would trust her around a new bird. Most dogs though I thinbk will come around and realize that a new animal is a family member and not prey-it just may take some time.