Pictures of my new Clowns, Aren't they Cute?


Two days ago I returned my Clarkii Clowns for my favorite fish in the world, The Percula Clown. They acclimated beautifully, and seem very happy and healthy. They also seem to have already paired up(or atleast they can stand each other). Yes that is crushed coral, I recently changed my substrate, so i used that to seed the new sand.
I have a DV camera too, so if you like these, maybe I can get some video.
Here are some pictures, let me know what you think:



Soon as I buy glass covers for my tank so I can lay the fixture flat instead of diagonal over my aquarium. Corals wouldn't like diagonal lighting. Heres how I have it now:



Active Member
they look a lot nicer then my 2 damsels.... (cycle fish)... stupid shy things... I'm disapointed the 3 stripe is so damn shy. I'm ready for some clowns..


I used 3 damsels to cycle my 20 gallon Long, and that was probably overkill. But oddly my tiny 3 stripe was the most agressive one. I had a 3 stripe, Domino, and YellowTail, and my Yellowtail just kept to himself or he was harassed by the other two.
You won't be disappointed with 2 True Percula, or False Percula(Ocellaris) Clowns. Mine are so cool, when i come up to the glass they just chill, and go, yo, theres my homie, the owner. :) They do best in pairs, but try to get tank raised if you can. I've heard a few stories on here recently of wild caught perculas coming in with Brooknyella. I'm sure a couple of the ones my LFS recently got had some kind of disease or parasite, but I came in a week later, and the remaining ones looked a lot better. Aside from one of mine seeming to be in shock for 20 minutes after turning the lights on today(only had them for 2 days), they seem to be healthy.


Would have been fun to have ghosts swimming around in my aquarium, but unfortunately I think those are the ghosts of a dirty aquarium. :) I bet they'll magically disappear as soon as i wipe down the glass. :D