pictures of my sharks


Looks pretty cool. Ur lucky leopards that size are bannded by me. Others are probly gonna lay into you about the size of your tank tho.


this is just a temp tank ill i move.. i got plenty of of tanks / poly tanks for them when they get bigger...


Active Member
and it is overstocked with like 10 leopards in a 300. hope you upgrade or sell eventually


Active Member
he should just put 20 more of them in there
:hilarious what a jerk
i would take bets he sold every single one of them already just like his oversized rays in his undersized tank!


thats just wrong. does not matter if you have the tank in the future. they should never be in there in the first place. thats crulity even to one of thoes sharks. and no wonder most of us gets flamed for owning sharks. please have some responsiblity, and respect for thease animals.


I agree that there was to many sharks in there to begin with let alone one of them with no rock.......but this thread was form april of 05 back like almost a year ago.........


Active Member
this thread is pretty old but i hope he has those sharks out of there by now. he should replace with bamboos


This reminds me of the LFS in my Illinois...
I walk in and find 2-10 inch leopards in a 20 gallon tank. Give me a break...
So I was going to take them off the guys hands.
Before anyone starts... I have an empty 220.
The project is sitting in basement... not exactly sure about the size but the 12 foot custom acrylic pieces are expensive.
So after give me a price of $300 a piece I say fine and then the owner states that he can not sell them because it is now illegal to import them that small.
So he is going to but them in a 125 and after that who know.
That is what sucks about this hobby... the who know comment.
So for the record... leopard have the same penalties as sea turtles in most areas.
Enjoy the 20 years...


Active Member
2-10 inches seems a little small for leopards even babys. 2 INCHES!!!!!!!!! that's not possible. what are the chances. the average baby bamboo is 6 inches.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
2 INCHES!!!!!!!!! that's not possible.
Sorry but I had to you! Dont take it wrong.
