Pictures of my tank... Please critique!!


Here are pics of my 75g tank.
Let me know what you think of the rock setup, i was thinking of moving it around...



rock work is really nice good job! beautiful trigger humas are one of my favs.. i have a reef tank though so i havent been able to keep one.


Well: not so much critique there. Is it? Mostly compliments, (and deservedly so!).
Apart of from Seannmelly, when he said he does not like "rock work". But then he never said, why he does not?


To answer all of your comments... Here is what i have in the tank
2 sargents 3"+
2 blue chromis 1.5"
2 Huuma Huma's one is about 6" and the other is 2.5-3" (yea he is a monster, but pretty freindly)
1 porcupine puffer
2 clowns (wild ones) 2.5"
1 cleaner shrimp
75 gallon tank
100 lbs of rock
100 lbs of sand
i dont really like the color of my rock, too brown :(
but i am getting new lighting pretty soon. Just debating T5 or MH.
anything else you would like to comment on? Ill put more pics up soon!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Olga
Well: not so much critique there. Is it? Mostly compliments, (and deservedly so!).
Apart of from Seannmelly, when he said he does not like "rock work". But then he never said, why he does not?

hey the guy asked for comments on his rock right? i did,the only thing i said was i didnt like the rockwork then i said its not my tank so what does my opinion matter, the tank looks good i just dont like the rockwork, no biggy. if i asked for comments on my tank which people do and they said they dont like certain things then ok im not going to cry about it or post something like you did. i just dont like it cause i really dont like tonga. i also said that the trigger was huge and its a nice tank. so get over it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sillynecco
To answer all of your comments... Here is what i have in the tank
2 sargents 3"+
2 blue chromis 1.5"
2 Huuma Huma's one is about 6" and the other is 2.5-3" (yea he is a monster, but pretty freindly)
1 porcupine puffer
2 clowns (wild ones) 2.5"
1 cleaner shrimp
75 gallon tank
100 lbs of rock
100 lbs of sand
i dont really like the color of my rock, too brown :(
but i am getting new lighting pretty soon. Just debating T5 or MH.
anything else you would like to comment on? Ill put more pics up soon!

Do you have a RBTA in there?


IMO - I believe you are a tad bit overstocked for a 75 gallon, however, it does look very good, especially the rock work. Caves and tunnels, I believe, make the fish happier! :happyfish
You may be looking to upgrade tanks soon, then your triggers and puffers will have enuff room for swimming as they grow. And grow they will.
Good luck and keep us posted! - dxtr


that's actually some of the best rock work i've seen.....very very nice....i wouldn't change anything......
the anemone didn't look like he was too happy with the picture......