Pictures of my tank... Please critique!!


I just changed the background from blue to what is up there now.
I actaully changed the rockwork again today, to open up the front of the tank so the fish have more swimming room.
I have had the trigger for about 8 months. I feed him about 4 1" pieces of superba (krill) a day. Is that enough for him? I noticed that the area around his eyes is sunken in.
I think my puffer is retarded. He got stuck in the filter in a different tank before i got him. If fish can have down syndrome then he definetly has it.
How much flow should an anenome have. I have a lot of flow on it right now, but i think it makes it hard for the clowns to sleep in it at night.
Everyone in the tank gets along, but i noticed a little strawberry on one of the percs. But the fin is probably from an attack in the wild. They were not aquacultured.


my opinion is you have a rock wall which i find unappealing.... i like more open sand areas, it gives a cleaner look in my opinion and more swimming room..
personally, i'd lose 25-33% of your rocks.. but thats me.