I took these with my camera phone, did the best I can to edit the colors and stuff. It's light up with VHO and MH. Not done adding live rock yet, more to come soon! I had to split into 3 pictures, left, center and right. :happyfish
Originally Posted by Cartman101
seems like i'm not the only one due for a new camra. Nice tank, the only thing u need to work on is the camra
Yea I know! I already spent the rest of my money into the tanks. Gonna have to wait for a digital camera. Maybe someone is nice enough to get me one for my b-day which is coming up in two weeks or for christmas.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I love the arches you've made with your live rock.
Keep it up!
We love those arches too!!! Once everything is done it's going to look even better. :happyfish