Pictures of my tank


40 lbs live rock
and I clean it very regularly and change water. I allow the coraline algea to grow on the back glass. The pictures were taken by an slr camera and then scanned onto my comp. therefore lacking quality. The colours in pics are a bit off


New Member
Not a critisim but a suggestion is that you get some more LR maybe put two piles on each side and leave the middle section open.
Looks good otherwise


Active Member
looks good to me flyinbrian
Gotta love the firefish !
And that is wild coralline algae growth - looks mostly green which you don't see near as often. Very unique !
We all want more live rock - it fills in the open spaces for a more natural look, but can't always get what we want when we want it.
Your tank looks like it's well established and well on it's way.
Keep it up ;)