pictures of my tank


Very Very nice!!!
I am new here but I noticed that allot of people overcrowd their tanks. Lets get the word the equipment before the livestock!!! Yes I really want halides


Nice equipment and beautiful corals! Are you planning on adding more LR or keeping it like that? I like the stand too.


Active Member
Cool! I would love to come over sometime and take some shots of your corals and check out that stand, that thing is crazy.


Active Member
tank looks really really nice iceman. if your ever interested in fragging your devils hand let me know, its a beaut! Just one question though, im not sure if you have noticed these guys yet or not, bu on the purple mushrooms you have in the background in the pic cof the galaxy and the cleaner shrimp, the shrooms seem to be covered with a parasitizing flatworm. ive attateched a crop pic of your pic with the worms circled. i don knwo if you are aware of this or not, but thought id point it out!
good luck


Active Member
yeah they are one o many types of flatworms that come in on live rock and parasitize soft corals, such as mushrooms and leathers and such. iceman, you might want to check over your devisl hand and toadstols as well to see if there are any of these guys crawling over them. the really dont harm anythign, but can grow to plague proportions and can smother some sessile inverts such as shrooms, blocking them from the light and thus causing them to die. i have had luck in the past using 6 line wrasses, arrow crabs, and even mandarinfish to control them biologically. if you can ice, i would start a siphon and just suck the little punks into a bucket through some plastic tubing, then you cna keep your eye out an dany other that show up, suck em up as well!
good luck


New Member

Originally posted by blondenaso1
Nice equipment and beautiful corals! Are you planning on adding more LR or keeping it like that? I like the stand too.

yes planning on adding more