Pictures of Tanks in walls


Active Member
I could use some help. I think I have a perfect spot to build a tank into a wall. I don't know why I never thought of this particular place, but all of a sudden it just dawned on me.
Anyways, I'd love to see some pictures of people's tanks that are built into walls so I get start building some ideas in my head. Thank you!
Any advice would be helpful.
I guess to give some sort of idea... I have a built into the wall shelving in my dining room which I thought I could maybe turn into a tank built into my wall. I could just use some ideas. Thanks!


You want pic from the viewing side or the "construction" side?? Anyway, here is my brother's tank...



Active Member
Oh my, that is pretty! Question... can I build some sort of access or door in the front, kind of like a door built into the wall above and below the tank? I would not be able to get to the tank from the back.... Is this possible? Or just a bad idea?


Well, if you don't have access to the back, that would not be good. Instead of just making the hole in the wall big enough for the glass, you'd hafta pretty much cut away the whole wall. You can replace it with removable panels, either wooden or maybe even framed drywall. It'd hafta be a pretty big area though if you need access to the sump. What's behind the wall that you wouldn't be able to get access??
This tank in the pic has a closet behind it, which made things nice...except for temp issues.


it is not a reef, but here is my 240 aggressive fowlr
the door next to it gives me access to my fish room


Active Member
See if you can picture this...
I have a wall in my dining room. Built onto that wall is a wooden shelving system that sticks out about 16.5 inches from the wall. I was looking at it and it all of a sudden dawned on me that I could possibly build a tank there and close it in with access above and below it. So I really wouldn't be cutting a wall, but rather building around the tank... does this make since???


Active Member
Originally Posted by FranktheTank
See if you can picture this...
I have a wall in my dining room. Built onto that wall is a wooden shelving system that sticks out about 16.5 inches from the wall. I was looking at it and it all of a sudden dawned on me that I could possibly build a tank there and close it in with access above and below it. So I really wouldn't be cutting a wall, but rather building around the tank... does this make since???
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do that. They actually have a picture of what you describe in The Conscientious Marine Aquarist book (page 32-33). My 125 gal. tank is on a stand, but I can't acces the back, it's up against a wall. All my access is in the front, so why not.


Active Member
Thank you. I would love to see a picture of what I am thinking about doing. If anyone has a link, I'd love to see it.
I think this would work, but not completely sure yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FranktheTank
Thank you. I would love to see a picture of what I am thinking about doing. If anyone has a link, I'd love to see it.
I think this would work, but not completely sure yet.
If you don't have the book I was talking about it's "must have" for any marine aquarist, plus it will have the picture you want to look at. It's a great price here on SWF.