pictures of tanks


There is much discussion on how to light a tank,since I am totally confused can I see some pictures of your tanks with the different lighting possibilities and tell me what you like about what you have or what you would do differently if you were to do it over again? I'm setting up a reef tank this Fall and I need as much imput as possible. TIA :cool:


You can visit my website, the pictures on my page are with 4 48" 40 watt tubes, 2 18k and two 20k, I have since added 4 more 6500k, bulbs but I have taken then out as I am not going to be keeping corals for quite some time yet.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


I upgraded from 2-40watt(no) to 2-95watt vho's. Incredible difference and everything I have is thriving but if I could do it over again I would have went with a vho/mh set-up so I could keep clams and sps. I didn't have enough for a chiller and in a 29 gallon I knew temps would have gone over 90degrees.


hey striker. i m gonna start a 29 gal tank this aug with a cpr bak pak, 1 175w MH and 2 36w PCs. 2 maxijets, 1 rio. LM, check out the thread on my 10 gal tank. i have 2 36w PCs on it right now. 1 daylight and 1 actinic.