pictures of the 300 gallon pond


Originally Posted by AC
That's what I had thought, I just thought I would see if I was missing something. I think I'm going to make my own also. It doesn't make sense to spend huge amounts for something fairly easy to make. What livestock are you putting in your pond?

Thinking about a great white


Originally Posted by AC
a couple of smoothhounds to begin with

I am going to catch a sharpnose shark pups. and a few rays


Active Member
this would also make a really cool table, i am sure you could get a piece of glass/plexi cut and make a table out of it.
Nice pond!


Active Member
holy crap that is awsome, my dad and i have been looking into something like that, so it was $500 for equipment that is awsome, how big is the bottom, im thinking of getting a ray and want him to have plenty of room


Active Member
hello, i was wondering if you could give me a step but step you did for the filtration, did you biuld any of it yourself or buy it
i am piecing my pond together and wanted someone who has already done it and you said it was easy so im gona go for it
thanks so much