Pictures of the best shark/eel or aggressive tank!!!


New Member
Come and show your meanest tanks with your meanest fish because I need some ideas on how to build my new shark/eel tank.


Here is a pic of my snowflake eel (2 feet long) and my blue spot grouper (7-8 inches long)...the grouper jumped in last minute.



New Member
how long have you had your fish and how big is your tank? and nice fish, i'm going to get a snoflake eel(i hope).


Blue spot grouper been in my 125 gal FOWLR tank 8 months now he was like 4-5 inches when I bought him. As for the snowflake eel he been in my tank about 1 1/2 years now. The snowflake eel was just little under a foot when I picked him up from my LFS. I hope you do pick up a snowflake eel they are fun to watch and gets along with everyone. Peace Out.:)


Nice pic's cincyreefer. Are those sharks yours? They are awesome. I like your eel too he looks pretty mean. Peace Out.


New Member
post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics post more pics



Originally posted by Harlequin
I think I need to get him a bigger tank with my tax returns, he is starting to outgrow this...

They do tend to get a little crabby when they outgrow their tanks dont they ;)


New Member
don't FCUK with me. If i ever see you in real life I will beat your face you. I bet if i ever saw you, you wouldnt say crap to my face you pus.


Could you post the pic of your blue-spotted grouper again. I had a juvenile grouper that I thought was a BSG, but I have been unable to find any pics.
If you could email it to that would be great.