Pictures of Various Live Rock

Hey it's Justin here. I see alot of post talking about "live rock this" and "live rock that". Even "my live rock is better than your live rock!"
If some of you can post pictures detailing different live rock features, it will probably be very informative for us newbies.
(Please include origin, sources, price, hikers, benefits, uses, etc.)


I don't know about prices, but for pics try going under the photography forum... on the first page there is a thread entitled "Let's see some reefs"... you may get a few ideas from that thread, and if you scroll through the photography forum you will find many reef pics scattered in other threads as well...

nm reef

Active Member
Folks post pics here in the reef all the time...makes ryebread mad but what the heck!!!
Best source of on-line pics would be a search engine. Tons of info out there...the host here had some very sweey looking LR pics ...not sure if they still do but you could check in the site store.A member posted a few pics recently that had a lot of bright colorful coraline...looked great.:cool:


Active Member
Here is a little bit older pic of my Fla Aquaculterd LR. I like it a lot -many good hitchhikers (Chitons, Limpets, Bristle Worms, Sponges, Tunicates, Coralline, Christmas Tree Worms etc..)

Active Member
i would post some pics of my rock but attml posted before me we got our liverock from the same lfs and i have the same thing to say about it that he did (loved it)
Interesting pic, now THAT is live rock.
I go to the friggin LFS here, five bucks a pound. The friggin rock is BARELY purple, let alone have any "life" on it. While I was patient, I did happen to stumble upon some awesome rocks with years of corraline on it. If they spot a friggin polyp on a rock, they wanna friggin charge me like twenty bucks extra! Weak.
But, what can ya do, my tank is full of rocks now. Now I have to go buy oddly shaped stupid looking $30 "rocks that would look funny in my aquarium, but have polyps on them" rocks.


Staff member
I think it would be a great sticky thread if we could just have members post different varieties of rock [fiji, tonga, fla, etc] and then give a bit of info about it.
Walt Smith, I believe, is a wholesale distributer; not open to retail business. And, I think someone here said that the LR that they got from recently was WS.

Active Member
that is what i will be getting,there is a local guy that selles online here in MD. that i can get from and not have to pay for shipping. he has Kaelini ultra show rock and Elkhorn rock for $3.99 partially cured and$4.50 for fully cured. there is a nother site that has fiji rock for $2.25 + shipping. so i am still up in the air on where i will get it from.