Pictures of your Lps eating


Active Member
When I still had that plate, they never actually climbed on top of the plate. I can imagine the plate stings are a tad bit more powerful then a chalice or brain?
They do spawn like crazy though and make perfect puffer snacks!


Here are some of mine eating
1. acan with pieces of table shrimp

2. Plate with table shrimp and some brine it caught.
3. all gone
4. got anymore?



Active Member
Some great shots you all. Wish I had a newe camera. Got a new 52 in. HD with Blue Ray Player instead!!

Sorry in back of tank hard to get a good shot feeding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
will that candy cane choke that silverside down?
So far the candy cane has swallowed 3 out of 4... that particular one did come back up. I blame it on you
.... I pushed my luck. 4 silversides in 1 week was asking for to much.