

That is a beautiful puffer. I would love to get one but I am sure I won't have as much luck as you do with him. Does he puff up allot?



Originally posted by Neowind
That is a beautiful puffer. I would love to get one but I am sure I won't have as much luck as you do with him. Does he puff up allot?

They puff up rarely, and only under extreme conditions of threat. It requires alot of energy for the animal to do that, so I imagine he won't do it often.
I have never personally seen a puffer puff out.


Active Member
your LFS misinformed you. the puffer you have will probably only grow to 4 or 5 inches. tobies don't get that big.



Originally posted by gregvabch
your LFS misinformed you. the puffer you have will probably only grow to 4 or 5 inches. tobies don't get that big.

well considering where we got this one from-why am I not surprised??
thanks for the info


wow! That one is pretty. Obviously it's a different kind of spotted than mine, perhaps a little more aggressive according to your experince. Did you happen to remember the name of it?
Our blue spot will pick on rocks and sometimes nip at the arm of a starfish, but it does no real harm and usually minds its own business. It hasn't displayed any terrirtorial behavior that we have seen as of yet.
(might be different as it grows to size)



Originally posted by Shanna349
wow! That one is pretty. Obviously it's a different kind of spotted than mine, perhaps a little more aggressive according to your experince. Did you happen to remember the name of it?
Our blue spot will pick on rocks and sometimes nip at the arm of a starfish, but it does no real harm and usually minds its own business. It hasn't displayed any terrirtorial behavior that we have seen as of yet.
(might be different as it grows to size)

Mine was a Hawaiian Spotted Puffer. He didn't nip on anything but rock for about 3 weeks. He didn't show any aggression towards fish that I saw. But my clown was loosing fins. Then I saw him nipping at snails and hermits. I never caught him in the act with are clown though. The funny thing is now that the puffer is gone my clown has a completely different personality. Very energetic, and loves to greet you when you walk in the room. Eats like a monster, where before he hardly ate. I think trading the puffer was a good move, even though I loved the way he looked. No we have a Red Star and a Scooter Blennie instead. Very peaceful tank mates so far.