

Here's a cool picture of a hermit crab with a polyp on his shell
The rest are just random pictures



Man, I knew it was something simple like that! Here are a couple of FTS, there're kinda old. I guess I never take them because I try to get the close-up shots.



Originally Posted by nissan577
you got it right dzel! lol how many gallons is your tank?
I have a JBJ 28 gallon nano cube with 150 watt HQI and 28 watts of PCs. It also has 4 moon lights and to keep the heat down I use an Artica Chiller. It's been set up for over a year, but less than 2. An interesting note. I have not purchased any mushrooms or polyps that are in the pictures. They we hitch-hikers on the live rock and have since multiplied. The clam and sun corals I did buy, and have since added some "red" mushrooms and a bubble tip anemone. I also bought the galaxia coral. It's still a work in progress. I'm taking things slow


Active Member
wow man! howcome you never post here! i love your tank alot!
what do you have in it? i really like the blue shrooms thingy


Active Member
thats the way to go man! keep this thread going the tank is nice man! please dont stop posting for us!


Originally Posted by nissan577
wow man! howcome you never post here! i love your tank alot!
what do you have in it? i really like the blue shrooms thingy
I actually used to post here quite a lot under the name "murdog BMF" but changed my name when I moved and got a new email address. I'm new to the nano tank thing as I used to have much larger tanks. I will definitely keep posting pictures as long as I can post cool ones that are not boring. Thanks for the kind compliments


Active Member
no pic is boring to us nano lovers! we love each and everypic! man im amazed i never saw a pic of yours! and N.p i cant wait for more pics