Picures of my Nano


looks awesome i have a clown with the same exact markings on its side. the ones that dont go down all the way...i like him because he was different. lol you should be very proud of your tank!!


Active Member
That is one nice colorful tank. How much live rock do you have in there and also how long has it been set up. Good job on your tank!
Thanks everyone..........
The tank has been set-up since 1-2-03. I have 15 lb of live sand and 15 lb of dry aggrogite and about 12 lb of live rock.
Nate J, that's pretty funny, because I picked the clown because he was different, you don't see the saddle backs as much.


To anyone who has a nano! I have a question. Mine has been cycled for a month now. When can i start to add corals. I want to have a colony of cleaner shrimp. Right now haha i onely have one baby one, but they have another at the lfs thats also a baby. When can i advance and start buying corals?
Ty_05_f , this is what I add to the tank:
small scoop of phytoplankton 3 times a week, small peice of frozen Mysis shrimp with 3 drops of Coral Vite 3 times a week. On the other days I add dry fish food. Oh yea and 1 algae tablet once a week.
Smikin Jim, a Nano-Reef is a reef tank smaller than 30 gallons. Nano means small.


Active Member
Cool i'm deciding what additives to get for my tank. Looks good keep it up. Nano is the metric system. But they use it to describe the size of thier tank.



Originally posted by hhands361
To anyone who has a nano! I have a question. Mine has been cycled for a month now. When can i start to add corals. I want to have a colony of cleaner shrimp. Right now haha i onely have one baby one, but they have another at the lfs thats also a baby. When can i advance and start buying corals?

If you want to have a fish in it I would add it first and let the tank adjust to the bioload before adding corals. If not then go ahead and add corals slowly. The more mature the tank is obviously the better off you will be. But if you aren't going to have a huge bioload for the tnak to adjust to then start to add some corals. I have seen nanos full of coral that have only been up for 2 months. Would I do it, no, but it can be done. I persoanlly am going to run mine with my two firefish and some shrimp for about a month or two and then start to add some coral, just to let it mature a bit.


Thanx Aggie. Now you have got to hear this everyone. I got home from school on wednesday to find that my 40 gallon tank had sprung a leak!!!!!!:mad: :eek: :mad:
I had to run out and buy a new tank with the same dimensions, but its 50 gallons. I had to temporarily in an emergency put all of my corals in the nano for the night. The next day after transfering everything, i looked at my corals and they were seeming to love the nano. My polyps were thriving, my brain had fianlly fixed itself, and my ricordias were doing fine. I moved everything back to the big tank, but i left a little propogation of the polyps, my brain that was loving the tank, and the ricordias in the tank and so far so good.
I bought a Yellow Clown Goby last night. He is soooo cute, I love the way it looks like he's blushing. Amazing how much a little guy like him shows up in the tank. I'll have to get a picture of him.
And thanks again for all the positive replies everyone!!!!!!!!
After looking at the pics of my tank what are some of the things you would suggest I get next?????? I am running out of space and want my next and last few things to be colorful with lots variety. Any suggestions would be great!!!!!!
I Love this hobby,
NewBe :p