Pigmy Angel


I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about the yellow faced pigmy angel (i think that is what is called, may also be called a cherub angel?) My lfs thinks it might do well in my 20 gal tank (it has about a 10 gal sump on it.) Any info anyone can give would be really appreciated.


i've had one for 5 months. they need at least a 30 gal.( mine is in a 29 gal). he likes to swim alot, and i would think a 20 after you add live sand/rock and corals( if you want) would not leave much space for him to swim.


I think your cherub will be happy in 20g. I used to keep one in 10g without any problem for more than year until I gave it away. They're one of the smallest dwarf angels available, but unfortunately on the more aggressive side. Mine used to bully my percula clown all the time, or any similarly shaped/sized fish. I have to say it was one feisty fish with a gorgeous color. I totally recommend it!


i have a pygmi angel and i love that little guy. mine is actually a sissy marie. so i guess its like those peopple that say that they have friendly damsels. all mine does is swimm all around my live rock and graze on it.


zap800, what size tank do you have your pigmy angel in? Also what other critters are in there (ie, fish, inverts, etc.) Thanks.


well i have a 55 gal. the fish i have is 2 clowns, 1 angel, one pj cardinal, and a bicolor cromi. plus all the oher usual stuff like snails and hermits.