Pineapple Trigger?


Having trouble finding info on this trigger not sure if it has a different name. LFS has got one in but I am not sure how it would fit in my tank


Went and looked at the "Pinapple" trigger. Once I saw it I realized that it is what I have seen reffered to as "Yellow Face" Trigger. Very cool looking but am concerned because the are reported to grow to 60cm in the wild. The LFS has sold them in the past and one is currently 18" libing in a 3000 gal tank, and is very docile. I liked him alot but he will deffinetly out grow my 180 gal. Anyone know anything more about these fish.

beach bum

I have a juvenile, what do you want to know? Doesn't seem to be aggressive to other species but doesn't like other triggers in his space. I keep him with a stars and stripes, freckled hawkfish, lawnmower blenny, and yellow-tail damsel in an 85g.
Did your LFS say how long it took that pineapple to reach 18"? Have you had a chance to see it? it must be striking.


Beach Bum,
I have seen it, very cool looking. Does not have the black strips across the back like the one in your picture. LFS said, and looked up in Atlas, that this an adult coloring and will maintain it. Currently is about 5" they said the one that is 18" was sold about 5 years ago, and was about 6" when sold.
I was planing on haveing a pair of blue throats (chins) which are mellow for triggers. Have built six diffined seperate caves in my 180 hoping to give 4-5 fish there own territory.