Pinecone Fish?


Has anyone ever seen one of these before, they had a tank full of them today at a lfs I went to today. They look like something out of a horror movie. They're a lite yellow with these black, almost elevated looking, lines across there whole bodies. Pretty freaky lookin.


Active Member
Pinecone fish are deepwater fish that use their light generating organs to attract prey. They are occasionally available and command high prices. Size is 6 inches wild 4 to 6 in a tank. Must be kept in a dimly lit species set up. Also, they must be kept at a temp no higher then 74 degrees for long periods if they are to thrive. They need following foods; chopped white fish meat or shellfish meat, such as bolied mussel, also, frozen meaty foods. Above info from the marine aquaruim by ---- Mills (tetra Press).


New Member
Templar I purchased one of them, I see were all from the same area. If you decide to get one I would like to keep in contact on how your doing. I have been researching them for awile. It nice to get Pufferlovers input and anything else would also be appreciated. So far I have recieved info on the Pinecone from the Shedd Aquarium and the Reef Fishes Vol. 1 book. I have my Pinecone seperated off by itself in my 150 gal in the basement, dim and cool.


Active Member
pinecone fish are also very hard to get to feed. alot of them wont eat kinda like ribbon eels and they need live food. at the lfs, the only time they had them they were 80 bucks. bo

razi burney

Pinecone is one awesome looking expensive fish. I have had one for about 2 weeks now but is definately one of the worst that I had to deal with when it comes to feeding. He is swiming all over the tank in dark but just won't eat and I have tried everything possible listed in references available on him. He is considered 3 on 1-3 scale. 3 being a difficult fish to feed and survive in captivity. I have heard that they are eay to care for if they start eating.


*********** has some information on the pinecone fish. Go to Marine Fish, Misc. Fish, then Pinecone fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by richie1742
we just got one of them in.... aus pinecone selling for 250$, i work at my lfs in florida.


Active Member
That's where I figured..they get alot of unusual stuff.Maybe I'll get out there to take a it still there?