Pink Algae


New Member
I just joined, and am so happy to find a source of information out there. I have this awful pink algae in my tank which I have been told comes from too much Phosphorus in the water.(I have well water) Anyway, any suggestions on how to get rid of it, if that is in fact what it is?


What is your tank set up.
Include filtration, water readings, and bio load.
Welcome to the board :D


New Member
I know so little about what I'm doing, I don't know if I can answer your question intelligently. However, I have managed to keep several saltwater fish alive for about 2 years. Anyway, I have a wet-dry filter. I don't know the brand name, but can probably find out.(I'm at work right now) I have a water tester kit for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and PH. All test within the normal range, but I can get exact reading if it will help answer my question. Thanks


your lighting is also important. make sure your bulbs are not that old. if you have older bulbs that will affect your algea growth.

madd catt

DO you mean long pink stran alge or pink hard alge?If it is the hard kind then it is good for the aquariumhelp to take out nitrates.That would be coraline alge. :p

madd catt

Well,there are many things in a biotope {closed system}or in nature that breaks many things down and alge is one of them.coraline alge as well as hair alge does intake posphates and perhaps nitrates,some one that has coraline alge longer or knows a thing or too about it may expaned on this?
coraline algea is a calcium based algea. i don't see how it would take in nitrates when it needs calcium to flurish. i mean hey, it may take in some nitrates, but i don't think that would be too much.


New Member
I don't know if the algae if hard or not. I have small sea shells on the floor of my tank. When I disturb them, it temp. hides some of the algae. About two days later, it's bright pink again. It's also on the coral. My lighting is just what came with the tank. It's an All glass with a versa hood. I do not have any LS or LR.(I think I had LR, but the stuff on it eventually died) I notice alot of people on here use RO/DI water. I'm not sure what that is, but maybe it's where I've messed up. I use my tap water-which is well water.(Mixed with salt of course)


New Member
also, what is BIO load? One of my light bulbs is fairly new. Let me get the W for you when I get home. I guess you're trying to say that my lighting may be part of the problem. My aquarium also gets Alot of natural light. Even if the pink algae is good, it sure is unattractive.

madd catt

A bioload is how much fish or invertabrates you can hold and any more will mean your tank will not be able to break down polutants.A biotope would be your aquarium.