Pink Anthias

michelle l

Hello all
I am debating adding a Pink Square Anthias to my tank. My system is a 125 FOWLR, and it's tankmates would be a large yellow tang, a cortez angel, two perc clowns, and a small green chromis.
I currently don't have enough live rock (I only have about 25-30 pounds plus some base rock that is starting to look pretty good) and next month I plan to add 75-100 pounds more. I read that Anthias do better in lower lighting? My system has regular strip lights with no aftermarket lights, although my hubby & I are currently thinking of upgrading to MH lighting later on.
What can anyone tell me about these fish? My LFS owner once commented to me that "too many people try to keep Anthias and don't have the environment that they need." I took that to mean that they need a reef tank, and that they are somewhat hard to keep, but I didn't go any further because at the time I wasn't really thinking of adding one to my tank.
Anyone have one who can tell me about them?


Active Member
Myself and my boss have both kept the male and female pair in reefs with over 100 LBs. of LR. In my case,after keeping him at least 6-8 mo...the male began to battle with his reflection in the glass.He retreated eventually to the back of the tank,where he refused to eat{even when food was placed in close proximity to his mouth},and eventually he died.
In my boss's case,he recently began to stay at the back of the tank{he also fought with his reflection},and he became lockjawed,and appeared to not be able to eat.He also died.
We both still have our females,who are going on a few years now in our tanks.Shortly after my male died,the female also took up the practice of fighting her reflection.It got so bad,she actually split her bottom jaw in two pieces.I figured she was also a goner,but she healed{almost unnoticeable} and has since stopped the fighting,but occasionally gets into little skirmishes with my flame hawkfish..nothing serious.
Devoid of a reef,the male will have to be fed several times a day...about all I have ever gotten most anthias to eat{and I have worked with several types} is frozen mysis shrimp.They will also grab a pod if it's near them,and will eat live brine shrimp,but unless gutloaded...they have little to no nutritional value.We have also been reading up on their nutritional needs,and all anthias should also get Spirulina in their diet.
the fact that you have lower lighting will be a plus,in my case my male faded alot in color,from when he was purchased.The female became more colorful.
I would recommend a sunburst anthias,while also slightly difficult,and should be fed a t least twice a day,I think this fish would do better overall..and is quite striking.They need to be kept singly as well...whereas most other anthias should be kept in harems.Sorry for the long post,I miss him...but would never keep another.I would say they should be on the difficult or experienced reefkeeper's list.

michelle l

Thanks for the advice! They sound like they are a bit more challenging than I am wanting to attempt. Very pretty fish though.....


Active Member
I had mine last almost a year.....Mine ate anything and everything..which is rare...
The hardest part is feeding them 3-4 times a day.
I just got a new pair for my 92 and see how that goes...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Michelle L
Hello all
(I only have about 25-30 pounds plus some base rock that is starting to look pretty good) and next month I plan to add 75-100 pounds more.
Hey I forgot..I wanted to say something about this.You are'nt planning on adding this all at once to an established tank I hope?
Good luck with yours sw65galma.

michelle l

Nope, I'd have to take out a loan to do that! Lol...I plan on starting to add the rock in increments next month is what I should have said...
While we're on the topic, how much would you recommend that I add each time?


Active Member
10-15 Lbs at a time..and give it time to catch up with the new rock,like weeks in between.I added more rock to my tank the first year,I never did more than that at a time and waited about a month in between.Make sure it is good cycled rock with no black sponge.