pink elegance

fish lady

I have a pink elegance that just keeps getting bigger and bigger and now he has his own corner of my tank. I read that they should be kept away from live rock because if a sharp edge cuts them they will die. On the other hand people say they have seperated them. I asked the guy I buy fish off and he said he never has done it and would not want to! Can you down size them or do you have to trade in for a smaller one? He has claimed 2 sea haires and a sweet lips already.


Active Member
Sweet lips have very poor survival rates...are you really sure it was the elegance? Elegance are hard to get now that are healthy...I would be proud of that alone.

fish lady

Well when the sweet lips came home he seemed happy and healthy, then when I moved the magnet to clean the glass if freaked out and swam into the elegance and the next thing I knew he had a bunch of clear blister looking things on his side and died three hours later. You very well could be right because that was my only encounter with one. The store in Calgary that I got the elegance from says he does not see them that big very often. I do not feed anything but brine shrimp, flake, and coralife invertabrate smorgasboard. It is under a 400 mh wonder if that is why he grows so well? This is my first day on here so I have not figured out how to put a pic on yet but when I figure it out I will put one on.

fish lady

I have a fox face that has been so healthy looking and growing for a year now, then all of a sudden he got clear bubble looking growths on his side and then they went flat again but they are still there. He seems healthy other than that. It hasn't spread to any other fish. Does any one know what it might be.