Pink Leather Coral

Hi. I just recently bought a hot pink leather finger coral(?)-is this natural of did the supplier for the LFS dyed it? Does anyone have experience with this color leather? I will try to get a picture for viewing but my digital camera is not working yet.
Thanks in advance/


I was just looking at some green tipped leather corals so i don't see why there couldn't be other color variations.


Active Member
Yes, it's probably dyed. It's common to see hot pink xenia, hot pink leathers, hot pink sebae anemones, and so on...
I have heard some stories of leathers being poisoned due to the dye, although very few have. The good news is, it will pass :) This could take weeks, to years, depending on the leather.
The purpose of the dye is to attract the customers...I can see it worked ;)
I'm not 100% sure that's dyed, but, I have very strong feeling that it is.
[EDIT: Green tipped leathers are common, and it's their natural color. Most of the time this is in the Devils Hand leather]
Thanks. I had a feeling it was dyed but we will see how long the color last. If anything, the leather coral looks healthy and is expanding in all directions. thanks....