Pink Skunk & RBTA


I have a Pink Skunk Clown that has been in my tank from the begining...I recenlty added a RBTA and its completly ignoring it, doesn't even look at it...Will it ever host? I know they're compatible!


Active Member
Your RBTA is probably too small for the clown's liking. The anemone should be at least 2x the length of the fish, more is better.


New Member
I'm afraid I have bad news for you, RussianSpy. According to Dr Daphne Fautin (anemone expert and author), the Pink Skunk Clownfish's host anemone species are: Heteractis crispa; usually H. magnifica; Macrodactyla doreensis; Stichodactyla gigantea. The (R)BTA aka. Entacmaea quadricolor won't work (at least not in the wild). Most of the charts that list the BTA as a host for this species are sites that sell fish and therefore may be a little liberal in their charts as their focus is in selling fish, not research.
Fish don't read books, so there is a chance your pink clown may decide to buck the trend, but don't be too disappointed if it doesn't work.
As for growth, I purchased mine 3 months ago when it's disk fully inflated measured approx 3 inches across. It has trippled in volume in the last 3 months and the disk is now approx 6 inches across. I feed once to twice a week a variety of meaty food including tuna, salmon, shrimp, scallop, plus it snacks daily on the plankton I feed my fish.
Good luck with your anemone and I hope your clown is illiterate:) .



Originally posted by ETD5862
Good luck with your anemone and I hope your clown is illiterate:) .

I feed frozen clam, Is this just as good? My lighting is DE HQI 250w, When I look at my anemone some of its' tenticals never enlarge and half are always shrunk to almost nothing...It could be caused by the 192w PC it use to be under...Is the Anemone in bad health and hopfully going to recover w/ the new lights?


Active Member
1hr every 2 days is a bit fast. 1 hr more every week would be better. Also, starting out with 3 hrs is a little high too. You are probably already done with the light acclimation though, right?


Erm....Ya, My corals don't seem to be showing signs of distress, The lights are on from 8-6, hoping to go 8-8 soon...But that may help my cyano problem worsen