pink spotted shrimp goby



I have a new addition to my 75 gallong reef. Got him on Thursday and I have not witnessed him eating much. I have tried a couple different flakes and some small pellets as well as frozen, but he doesn't chase after the food like some other fish I have. No fish are harassing him or taking food. I have seen him eat small bits of flake food but never big pieces or many pieces. Thoughts?


I've got a pink spot and his favourite food is frozen squid. However, he is not an energetic eater but he goes around picking leftovers from the tank bottom. I wouldn't worry about your's--try the squid and mysis also. :jumping:


of all the gobies ive encountered they have all been very passive eaters....never venturing far from their cave/burrow and not eating as much as most other active fish in the tank. i have also noticed different types of gobies taking large scoops of sand into their mouths and filtering it out the gills.


I tried a small chunk of shrimp and he actually chased it down. So much for being passive anymore. I guess he needed to just open up a bit.


New Member
I have a pink spotted goby and noticed that for the first few days he didn't eat much and just sort of stayed hidden. Now he recognizes us (apparently anyway) and will come out more when we are watching the fish. He has also begun sifting the sand (taking bites of the sand and sifting it out through his gills). At one of the LFS i visited i was told they are supposed to do this, for food and it helps keep your tank clean. :thinking: He seems to enjoy it.
I have also noticed when I put seaweed in the tank and the tangs tear it up he will chase piesces and eat that along with brine shrimp and what not. I haven't had any problems since the first, I think, 3-4days that i had him. :notsure: Good luck. Once they are comfortable they seem to actually be pretty active and fun to watch.


Thanks I am now noticing the same thing going two weeks in.