Pink Tip Anemome?


I have a pink tip that for one has no pink tips since i left the LFS, but my question is that its tentacles are turning brown, anyone know why?


Active Member
Did you just buy it today. If you did its probably just stressed and contracted. and that makes the tantacles a darker color. Give it some time and it should be fine.


Active Member
Yeah, I think your good. Just let it settle, it could take a whole week. Most importantly though, once its in te tank DON'T MOVE IT. I learned the hard way and killed my beautiful pink tipped BTA. Also, how old is your tank?


I set up the tank coming up on a year....i have had the anemone for about to weeks now...noticed the darkening about middle of last week


Active Member
That looks like a Green tip anenome and it looks very light colored. Im not an expert at all, but it looks kind of like its losing its Zooanthellae(AKA bleaching).


ok googled the bleaching and they said change in light which is possible..i have a 250w halide and the LFS did not have that type of lighting on it


Active Member
OOOOOOOO, i thought it was a Pink bubble tip anenome you were talking about. When people refer to an anenome as a pink tip anenome, they normally are talking about a Bubble Tip Aneome.(im terrible at identifying anenomes). Anyways than that is a completly differant story.
Is this what you have?
does it have an orange foot?
There still may be something wrong, i just know alot more about BTAs rather than condylactis, and i would wait until someone more exprienced than me about this particular anenome.
Sorry i couldnt help, hope someone else can.


Active Member Heres a link that may help you
After searching google, i dont think anything is wrong looking at the majority of all of the pics. Ask any questions you have on this thread after you do some reading and i hope people with more experience with answer. Sorry again that i cant help much
but this is all i know.


Originally Posted by Hunt
http:///forum/post/3234549 Heres a link that may help you
After searching google, i dont think anything is wrong looking at the majority of all of the pics. Ask any questions you have on this thread after you do some reading and i hope people with more experience with answer. Sorry again that i cant help much
but this is all i know.

hope i want starving it..i have been feeding once every two weeks per LFS, it says there every other day

it also says dont have red leg hermits..I have 5 in my tank


Active Member
well do you ever see the hermits climbing on or touching irritating(ect.) on the anenome, if they arnt it should be fine. It also says twice a week is fine. Im not sure how big of a differance there is between BTA and condys but i feed mine once a week and there fine.


Anyone elso have any opinions on this? The description on say "flowing white tenticles" Not even close to white....the are still brown after 1 month