pink tip anemones?


New Member
I have 4 pink tip anemones in 2 different tanks. All are mostly clear or white but one of them has had a brownish tint to it's tentacles for about 2 weeks. Any idea's as to why? It looks fine not wilting or anything, long and full.


Brown is what you want them to be. White is bad. White indicated bleaching, which occurs when there is not sufficient lighting. If your lights are strong enough, then your anemones may be returning to their natural color...brown. But the purple tips will stay purple.:D


At the LFS I asked about the coloration of the anemonies. I had seen one at a different location that had gray on a few arms and wanted to know if death was on its way basically. I got an explanation about the white bleaching then. It was like from a loss of something in the anemonie. Some natural substance that shows up as color which also indicates a healthier anemonie, right? The person said that this substance stays with the water it is lost in unless it gets filtered out or washed away and the only way to get it back is by replacing the substance.
What you are saying is that it just needs to be closer to the light? I sure hope that is it because that would make keeping them easier I think


Active Member
I've always understood "Bleaching" to refer to what occurs to coral when it gets too much light or too hot.
Now, as for the color loss; anemones host algae which helps feed them. insufficient lighting can cause the algae to die. This will slowly starve the anemone to death.
I'm far from an anemone expert, but I'd say do some research on the type you have. Most anemones require moderate to very strong lighting. (such as metal halides)


Anemones have zooanthallae which feeds them. It is what gives the anemone a healthy brownish tint. A white anemone is a dying anemone. There is no such thing as a healthy white anemone. For a pink tip, pc lights will work as long as the depth of the tank is not too much. 16" max. The deeper the tank gets, certain lights can no longer pentrate far enough. That is when metal halide is needed. Tell us what size tank and what lighting you have and maybe we can save your anemones. As far as bleaching, it means the anemone has lost all its color.


There you go! Thats the word...zooanthallae. I think I will do some reading, gotta work out this book (encyclopedia) on refugiums first.:cheer:


Active Member
What type of light do you have? Basic pc wont work and normal output lights that come with tanks really wont work even basic vho wont work. I would say you would want around 400 to 500 watts of pc or vho for them to last very long even then it would probly depend on if you got a strong or weak one.


What type of light do you have? Basic pc wont work and normal output lights that come with tanks really wont work even basic vho wont work. I would say you would want around 400 to 500 watts of pc or vho for them to last very long even then it would probly depend on if you got a strong or weak one.
This is inaccurate and do not listen to this. Pc and vho lights are fine as long as the depth of the tank is not too much. They lose there ability to penetrate the water with enough par to keep an anemone healthy after a certain depth, but they certainly are fine. Keep in mind though you still need lots of light.


You said pc and vho won't work. So you are wrong. You said 400-500 watts before even knowing the tank size. You would need that much for say a 75 or 90, but the depth comes into play on these tanks. Vho could work on these, but not pc. So you are wrong there.


Active Member
pc and vho wont work long term unless you have a crapload of them. but there are always exceptions. a combination of MH and either pc or vho (which is what i got) is the best
staceymatt, what kind of lighting do you have?


New Member
JEBO 48" 220W(55wx4) Power Compact lighting. Bulbs are:Two 55W 10000K Superdaylight. Two 55W UltraActinic. This is what my fish guy told me to get for this 55 gallon. We have the same type on the 20 gallon just not that wattage.


pc and vho wont work long term unless you have a crapload of them.
Only anemone that can't be kept long term with this lighting would be a carpet anemone. My concern is the jebo lights. They are crap. The bulbs themselves should be changed to a different brand.


caddy is on the money. First depth has a lot to do with the health and colouration of your pink-tip. Is it a condy I assume? Mine is very old and likes to get close to the lights,then sometimes moves when he gets enough. Also those jebo lights are almost useless because they have no lighting spectrum. they are cheap painted bulbs. Jebo's also are not u.l listed so they may burn your house down.


Active Member
"This is inaccurate and do not listen to this. Pc and vho lights are fine as long as the depth of the tank is not too much."
I'd argue this is inaccurate...
The point is to have healthy anemones... They need lot's of lights. Period.
Can you scrape together a bunch of normal or VHO's and get one to survive? Sure, maybe
. Is that the "right" way to do it? NO. Is this the responsible way to do it? NO.


Active Member
I thought carpets needed intense lighting also. I thought it was the condy that didnt need that mutch.