Pink Tip Haitian Anenome, Green Star Polyp accimilation ?


Active Member
I just purchased these item from this site and they will be here tomorrow. I would appreciate any help with how to get these in the tank after temp accimilating them. Can I just lift them out of the bucket and into the tank without the air hurting them since they will be out of water for only a few seconds? I know some things don't survive if they hit the air but are these like that?


Active Member
Well there here and are temp acclimating now. The bag for the anenome is pretty narrow so I guess I will need to cut it open. There isn't much water but if i can pull it out of the bag it should be ok. It's just the gloves are kinda big to it may be a bit ackward. Will letting the water from the bag into my tank hurt anything? Any assistance is apreciated


You really should be drip acclimating them, they should have sent instructions with the box... Mine died yesterday, i hope you ahve better luck! It did great first day then died....


Read the drip acclimmating thing too, it was really helpful for all my toher fish, none went into shock and they are all doing perfectly... if you just dump it in the tank your going to probably harm the anemone more then your tank.... Is it healthy looking now?


Active Member
The anenome is basically just mush looking in the bag but has good color a moves a bit. As stated on this website they don't ship these with much water and say in their acclimating instructions to just temp acclimate the anenome's then put them in the tank. Or you can drip acclimate them also. I guess I can drip it but my main concern is getting it out of the narrow bag. I don't want to hurt it.


Active Member
The way I have always acclimated Anenome's was honestly temp acc. and as far as putting ship water in the tank, bad idea, never know what parisites, bacteria, etc are in that water. I just empty the water through a net then right in the drink. Havent lost one yet. (Hmm I really need to up some pics of my tank on here.)


Active Member
That's exactly what I did before I read your post NigerBang. I dumped most ofthe water out and the rest went through the net. The Anenome is in the tank now and already fully inflated. Not I jst need to get the coral and feather dusters in and I will be set for a while. Thanks for the information