Pink worm?! ID


I was just feeding my tank, I walked away then happened to walk past it again on my way to the kitchen when I noticed one of my very small blue leg hermits picking at something inside of a snail shell. A closer look revealed a small TONGUE like thing poking out of the shell with little white feather things.
It looks like some kind of pink worm with white feathers all over it and it was living in a snail shell. What the hell is this thing?
If a pic is needed, I can try to take one. I removed the shell and put it in a container of water so I can watch it closely.


It does sound like a brisle worm or aka fireworm. You don't have to get rid of it cuz they help keep your tank clean. They only become a problem if their are too many of them. If you have a sixline wrasse in your tank the worm would make a good snack.


I dropped some food in the container I'm holding it in, I'm experimenting to see which food it likes better, because I'm going to stuff a bunch of that particular food in a small empty water bottle, submerge it in my tank, pull it out in the morning and flush whatever made it's way in down the toilet.
Little does this worm know that by gorging himself on this food I'm giving him he is participating in the demise of his species!


Originally Posted by GUBBER
It does sound like a brisle worm or aka fireworm. You don't have to get rid of it cuz they help keep your tank clean. They only become a problem if their are too many of them. If you have a sixline wrasse in your tank the worm would make a good snack.

Will a sixline mix well with a yellow wrasse?
I don't really want to play the "what if" game, I just want to get rid of all of them at this point.


The yellow wrasse will take care of it for you. The problem is that they come out at night when the wrasse is sleeping. How big is the worm?


Originally Posted by GUBBER
The yellow wrasse will take care of it for you. The problem is that they come out at night when the wrasse is sleeping. How big is the worm?

This particular worm is living in a small snail shell, probably half an inch to an inch.. hard to say because he has not come out of the shell soon as he does I'm going to grab the shell so he can't retreat back into it, then I'm going to continue with my experiments.
I'm thinking of extracting some DNA and mixing it with a chimp.


Boy, you really don't like this worm huh! I had one in my tank and I felt just the same. I didn't know where it came from until I looked into it a little further. If it's in there and it's going to help me clean my tank a little and feed my wrasse, why not. As a matter a fact I haven't seen it in quite a while. If you mix the DNA you might get something that looks like Mickel Jackson.