Pink worm

Last night I saw a pink worm on top of my sandbed. This morning it was gone. What was it? Where did it go? Is it good or bad?


That's funny. I just discovered a pretty large pink worm today and was going to post a question on it. I thought it was a mantis shrimp at first but it looked more like a cuc except that it moved pretty fast. I'm figuring it's a bristle worm. Looks just like the picture sammy put up.


I also had a big 'ol pink worm. I pulled him out while vacuuming the cc. I stuck him in a container to take to the lfs for an id but they were closed and I didn't feel like keeping this thing on my kitchen counter over the weekend (ours is closed sunday and monday). Mine was huge (a good 2 inches) but no bristes, more like a common earth worm except pink. Haven't seen anymore since then.
You just never know what you'll find in a tank with lr in it!!! Or never know what it is that you find !!lol