Pink xenia problem


I have a 13g nano reef that has been doing very well until about 2 days ago. My pink xenia looks like it has white scales ( for the lack of a better term) Several of the branches have lost there "hands" and none of them will fully open up anymore.
My water test results are
Cal 550ppm
NO2 0
NO3 0
PH 8.4
specific gravity 1.023
ammonia .25 (I've never got it 0 for long only after 30% + water changes)
I use only RO water from a Saltwater/reef only aquarium store to top off and ocean water for water changes Usually 5-7 miles out. There are several reefs there. My last water change was about 5 weeks ago.
Everthing else (Bubble corals,mushrooms,button polyps,yellow leather and fish are doing fine. I'm stumped


New Member
just curious, do you go to saltwater reef on kirkman, i cant really help you out with the coral to much as i do not know that much about corals


Active Member
idk, but the Red Sea test kits always show your ammonia as .25, even if it is 0, thats why i asked you what test kit you have.
my pink xenia doesnt pulse every once in a while, and then it will start up again. the pulsing is how they filter feed i think. i dont know whats wronf with yours though


could Iodine be a problem...It's the only new thing I've added to the tank in the last week :scared:


A freind of mine told me about a reef "super store" as he put it over in OCALA, I did'nt get the name of it but do you know of one over there?


The more I think about.... it's gotta be the iodine, has any one damaged or killed any thing by doseing with iodine?


i believe your calcium is high, calcium solidifies at 550 ppm and because of this tests cannot measure above 550 ppm so IMO your calcium could possibly be "through the roof".


I always keep it between 450 and 550 ppm...never had a problem before.
Although I may be miss reading the test according to the box Red sea ca test only goes to 50ppm... according to the formula in the instructions it reads 550ppm.????
Whatever the problem I need to figure it out. I've only be at this hobby for six months or so...I have learned a lot from all of you how answer my questions

thank you