pink yuma richordia pic


Active Member
25?!?!?! At my LFS, thats a JIP!! But IDK, it kinda depends where u live. Some LFS's have yumas pretty cheap (one polyp like yours for 10-15) and others are outrageous (as high as 50 dollars, at one fish store I dont go to in my area for ONE polyp!)


Active Member
yeah its wierd cuz i will see some of them for 50-60 bucks so i thought it was an ok deal... hmmm lol oh well at least i felt good when buying it lol


New Member
yeah hey i really think that is ricordia florida. i have tons of that stuff. i will try to post some pics soon but yeah i think its florida and in that case you probably paid too much. i mean i dont know how much that stuff is in cali but yeah. my 2 cents.


Active Member
hmm... great i thought i had a deal now i didnt lol!
oh well u live and u learn....
if u have tons send some my way!!!


Active Member
Yup, that's a ric florida, not yuma. They usually go for about $15 per polyp locally here.
I've got a few of my own too..

BTW, a pink ric yuma usually sells for around $100-120. A true red yuma goes for about $150-200.


Active Member
in that article u say yumas have a neon green ring around the mouth .... mine has one too.... mine isnt expanded enough right now to see the vesicles if they go up the mouth part or not so i dont know about that yet....
what do u think viper?


Active Member
From what I've seen most yumas do have the green ring along the hypostome, but I've also seen a few floridas with the same trait.
Yours is a Ric florida, 100% sure. Nice piece, nevertheless.


Active Member
So what is mine, I paid 15 here in Pa? Its
got 2 mouths, does anyone know why? Can only see 1 in the pic.


Originally Posted by Space_Geek
25?!?!?! At my LFS, thats a JIP!! But IDK, it kinda depends where u live. Some LFS's have yumas pretty cheap (one polyp like yours for 10-15) and others are outrageous (as high as 50 dollars, at one fish store I dont go to in my area for ONE polyp!)
i need to head out your way, because in my area of michigan his ric would go for well over 50 bucks...