pink zoos at lfs


Active Member
I know of a site that sells pink zoas for 15-20 bucks for a decent sized rock... dont pay 100 dollars!


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Originally Posted by Speg
I know of a site that sells pink zoas for 15-20 bucks for a decent sized rock... dont pay 100 dollars!
hey email me at {edit: please do not request links to stores via email}


Active Member
$100 bucks for pink zoos is really expensive!! Of course that depends on how big the colony is. I bought my pink zoos for about $30 and my colony was probably 2.5"wide x 4"long. Since they're in my tank, they have spread out and gotten very comfy...more, more, more. I would look for a better deal, I'm sure you can find one.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I would agree that is pretty steep for a colony unless it is really big. But if you REALLY like them...a "deal" is in the eye of the beholder. If they are basic pink zoas, then you can do better.


Originally Posted by angelspot
pink zoos very cool. lfs wants 100.00 not sure worth it what do you think?
Dude look around some more your LFS is beating you in the head. I can see him laughing when you pull your hundred dollars for a thirty dollar piece of rock. For a hundred dollars you can get some pretty cool corals at SWF.


Active Member
There are two fish stores in TN near me that have crazy prices. One is the "Emerald Bay" in Brentwood with RIDICULOUS prices. The other is "The Aquatic Critter" in Nashville, which even has ads in Coral Magazine. I think it is sad that these two fish stores totally rip everyone off.